Our brands believes to provide the good quality products to our customer so that customer will get satisfaction as they want. Our first priority is to provide the maximum satisfacion to our customers. We are making product with good quality raw material so that we can fulfill our customer needs.KESAR ZEMS Copper Gangajal Lota Kalash Set Of 3 (6 x 6 x 3.5 Cm): Copper Gangajali Lota Kalash is used to keep the GANGAJAL and Which will be absolutely pure GANGAJAL Water. copper is considered an essential mineral for our body. Ayurveda recommends storing water overnight in a copper jug and drinking it first thing in the morning for maintaining good health. The water stored this way is called ‘tamra jal’ and it helps to balance all three doshas (kapha, vata and pitta.)the metal copper has electromagnetic energy which is called prana shakti. Drinking water that is stored for 8-10 hours in a copper vessel is very beneficial. Copper makes the water ionic which helps to maintain body’s ph (acid-alkaline) balance. Therefore, we are storing ganga jal in copper loti. Copper gangajal loti is priced at the most realistic rate possible, the presented packed gangajal is acknowledged to have appealing design and skin-friendly nature. Features:• free from microbial contamination• no pungent smell • negligible skin reaction |